A National Partnership for Entrepreneurial Learning awarded good business practice in the area of improving skills of employed and youth. Prizes for companies were awarded in 3 categories:
The awards were given for the first time since the establishment of the Partnership and their intention is to promote good business practice examples aimed at improving the skills of employees in the companies and supporting the development of technical and entrepreneurial skills of youth through cooperation of companies with schools and universities as well as to promote those companies that design and implement such business practice.
The awarding ceremony took place at the International Conference on entrepreneurial learning “Promotion of good practice examples in schools and companies” held today gathering representatives of institutions, companies, employers’ associations, NGO sector and European Training Foundation (specialised agency of European Union that helps education reforms in developing countries).
The awarded companies have become the ambassadors of the National Partnership having been the first ones to recognise the values and the vision of the Partnership in their own business endeavours.
Among the awarded for incorporating the concept of entrepreneurial learning into their activities and work, were 4 schools and 9 teachers. The good practice calls were coordinated by the Partnership members: Bureau for Educational Services (for schools and teachers) and MEF (for companies).
National Partnership for Entrepreneurial Learning was formed in accordance with Government Conclusion no. 03-7046 from July 31st 2008 with an aim to promote and enhance entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship skills at national level and to monitor the implementation of national Strategy of Lifelong Entrepreneurial Learning in Montenegro. Partnership members are representatives of: the Ministry of Economy (SME Directorate), ministries of education and social welfare, Centre of Vocational Education and Training, Bureau for Educational Services, University of Montenegro, Employment Agency, Chamber of Economy, Montenegrin Employers Federation and Centre for Development of NGO.