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Tax Caravan in Niksic

News 15/03/2017
Tax Caravan in Niksic

Today’s Tax Caravan meeting was held in Niksic, in the premises of IEC Tehnopolis that supported the event.

The event gathered entrepreneurs and companies from Niksic, Pluzine and Savnik who were welcomed by the Director of Tax Administration, Mr Mugosa. He emphasized that strengthening cooperation with tax payers’ associations is a special priority. Owing to employers’ association serving as contact point Tax Administration has been able to recognise the need for decrease of administrative barriers and to communicate with tax payers with an aim to encourage diligent compliance with taxation legislation as well as to achieve higher level of tax discipline. He welcomed the results of the Tax Caravan achieved so far that ensured the possibility for two-way communication between Tax authorities and tax payers.

Mrs Radulovic, MEF Secretary General emphasized that the cooperation with Tax Administration is a positive example of transparent and proactive engagement of state authorities. According to Mrs Radulovic, MEF will continue to support Tax Administration in its endeavours to build quality framework for stimulating business and fair competition. Mrs Radulovic invited companies to openly speak about the difficulties they face in relation to tax authorities.

The next Tax Caravan event will be held in Pljevlja on March 21st 2017.

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