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Cooperation with Montenegrin Community in Macedonia

News 01/07/2016
Cooperation with Montenegrin Community in Macedonia

Representatives of Montenegrin Employers Federation (MEF) had a meeting today with a president and a vice-president of Montenegrin Community in the Republic of Macedonia (CZRM), Mr Boris Popivoda and Mr Milorad Milanovic, with associates - members of CZRM.

The meeting on how to support the improvement of business cooperation between Montenegro and Macedonia took place in CZRM premises In Skopje. The participants duscussed current and future activities of both MEF and CZRM, current state of Montenegrin and Macedonian economy as well as the possibilities for better linkage between Montenegrin business community in Macedonia and businessmen in Montenegro.

Having in mind the expressed interest for investment in Montenegro, MEF and CZRM representatives announced closer cooperation in the area of exchange of information and services that could be useful for business sector in Macedonia.

The meeting was concluded with an agreement that steps should be taken towards signing of Memorandum of Cooperation between the two organisations that would define the concrete joint actions of MEF and CZRM.

Be in connection with MEF.

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